Monday, January 14, 2013


We've Moved!

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Hide those Pesky Components

Hey.  I just wanted to give you a quick peek at one of the little tweaks/personal stamps we put on our home shortly after moving in.  Because my husband DID NOT consult me when choosing the location of our alarm components, I wound up with (begin sarcasm) an Oh So Lovely! (end sarcasm) alarm keypad right in the middle of the only expanse of valuable wall space in my entryway.  Therefore, I had to get a little creative…

So I decided to cover it with a frame.
Frame covering alarm keypad
(Please excuse the old photos.)

It was pretty easy.  I was able to do it myself, and I didn’t even measure out the exact placement of my frames, which I do not suggest as this might be obvious depending on the angle at which you look at the frames.  I was just so sick of staring at this thing and wanted it done ASAP!  That aside, I decided to put up 4 frames using an inexpensive ($3 maybe) pack of hinges from The Home Depot.  I just screwed them right into the plaster wall.

The pictures are actually just pages from a vintage French botanical book I found online (not 100% certain of the source but they may be from  I simply printed them off on a color printer and used them as a temporary solution.  Ideally, I’d like to fill the frames with prints from The Paris Print Shop (formerly Little Brown Pen) on Etsy, but I honestly cannot decide on which color grouping I like the most – pink, green, orange, yellow, decisions, decisions.

I’m actually still considering whether or not I should add to this gallery or just leave the 4 frames as they are.  I have gallery walls planned for other areas of my house but I really don’t want to be “that house” with a million gallery walls.  It’s just not my style, though it’s cool if that’s what you’re into, or if you invented “the gallery wall”, or… whatever.

So, that’s all I got for you today.

What do you think?  Should I add more frames to this wall?  What prints would you choose from The Paris Print Shop?

NOTE: I’m not sure how this would work for covering a thermostat, considering they may have gauges or sensors that need to be fully exposed in order to obtain the accurate room temperature.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Photo-A-Day: Week 1

This is the first installment of the photo journaling project I mentioned a few days ago.  It was really fun taking photos with intention and putting some thought behind the ones I would choose.  Though I had to carry my camera everywhere with me, this has definitely helped me become more comfortable with its settings.  Maybe I’ll share some of the photography things I learn here on the blog….that is, after I actually learn something other than the automatic mode.

New Year's dinner with the in-laws
1/1/13: New Year’s dinner at the in-laws’ house, complete with black eyed peas for good luck
Laundry Mountain
1/2/13: The mountain of laundry that welcomes me every Wednesday night

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Happy New Year!

The start of a new year is always exciting to me. Just like the first day of school, we have the opportunity to make a fresh start and begin anew. I don't like to make resolutions, though. Instead, I like to set goals.

One of those goals is to slow down & smell the proverbial roses. I realize i don't take the time to enjoy life enough. I'm always concerned with cramming as much "productivity" as I can into each day.
With that, comes the consequence of missing the all-too-important special moments in life.  For that reason, I've decided to start a photo-a-day project where I'll snap a picture each day for my own personal journaling purposes (and in an attempt to learn how to work my new camera). The photos may be themed, narrative in nature, or just plain amusing to me. I'll *try* to share them here every Saturday.

More to come on the goals I have for my house this year.
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